Upcoming Exhibitions:

March 2018, CIRCA Gallery, Minneapolis, MN



Penland School of Crafts

MARCH 25 – 31
Benjamin Cobb
The Best Tool for the Job

There are many ways to make objects and many ways of teaching how to make them. We’ll try to find the best way for you! This workshop will drill down on basic forms as these are the building blocks (along with an open mind) for making anything out of glass. We’ll also focus on color applications (overlays, double overlays, and simple cane patterns) and how to apply them quickly and efficiently. Drawing is really where the whole process starts, so come with ideas and a sketch book, and we’ll hit the ground running.

Pittsburgh Glass Center

Instructor: Benjamin Cobb & Pablo Soto

Working with glass is already a difficult task, never mind doing it with a different crew, or in a strange place. We intend to talk about different approaches for working with artists/designers or anything else that may take you outside of your comfort zone. As always we will firm up some good foundations in the studio and begin to look at techniques and how to apply them when necessary. Working with your ideas and questions we will go through different approaches to making. We will delve into techniques such as color overlays and color cups as well using a variety of cane work.

Dates for Design/Collaborate/Fabricate

Jun 4  – Jun 8, 2018